
SACE-サウス オーストラリアン カレッジ オブ イングリッシュ アデレード校

SACE-South Australian College of English_Adelaide


体験談 B.Bさん(国籍:スウェーデン)

My agent recommended the South Australian College of English because the school isn’t too big and they have small classes. It’s a great and amazing experience being to Adelaide studying English. My highlight, so far, has been improving my English skill in such a short time.


Students from all over the world have been studying here. I can learn som much about foreign cultures and traditions and I’ve made many friends coming from differnt countries. Our school also has a wide and various excursion program to choose for our spare time and weekends.


All the school staff is very kind, cheerful and helpful. We are such a big family. I would every time recommend to my friends study at the South Australian College of English.

体験談 H,Hさん(国籍:ベネズエラ)

My agent recommended the South Australian College of English to me. I am enjoying my course very much. I have tried similar courses before, this one is completely different and better.The highlight of the course are the teachers. I feel comfortable with them, they are really friendly and always are prepared to help you.


I would recommend the course to others because I have been trying different methods to learn English for years, and this one is my favourite because it’s entertaining and you can learn fast.”

体験談 Y.Hさん(国籍:日本)

I chose to study at the South Australian College of English because the location (middle of the city) and the variety of nationalities were attractive for me.


I am enjoying my course. The motivation of students for studying are so high and they are good at English, so I am been giving good stimulations from them.


I live in share house and it’s cosy for me, but I recommend to experience homestay because it’s the best way to improve speaking skills and to know Australian cultures.








IH ブリズベン ALS

IH ブリズベン ALS





パースの中心部に位置し全英オープンで有名なイギリス・ウィンブルドンに姉妹校があります。 オーナーのミルナー氏は留学生の教育に熱心で、日本への来日経験も豊富な方なので、日本人が英語を学習する上での弱点をよく把握しています。
ウィリアム アングリス インスティチュート メルボルン校(TAFE)

ウィリアム アングリス インスティチュート メルボルン校(TAFE)


ケアンズ カレッジ オブ イングリッシュ アンド ビジネス(CCEB)

ケアンズ カレッジ オブ イングリッシュ アンド ビジネス(CCEB)


仕事探しに役立つカスタマーサービスコースがある学校です。 ケアンズでは郊外の留学に政府が力を入れているということもあり、留学生の受け入れを促進しています。最近は都市開発が進んでおり、市内にCity Universityが建つなど、ますます発展しています。